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Chicago Fireworks Directions

Directions to Chicago Fireworks Store
We are open all year!

Longer hours around the Fourth of July and key holidays or special events. 

Please call to verify hours during the off-season. August thru May.

Thank You For Contacting
Chicago Fireworks!

For Bulk Wholesale Orders,
Call Us!

Directions to Chicago Fireworks

From Chicago Side of Border:

From Chicago take I-90 East to the fork at Highway 41. After merging onto Highway 41 from I-90 take the Calumet Avenue/Highway 20 Exit and you'll find Chicago Fireoworks Store immediately off the exit.

From Northwest Indiana Side of Border:

From Indiana take I-90 West to the Calumet Avenue/Highway 20 Exit and you'll find Chicago Fireoworks Store immediately off the exit.
Directions to Chicago Fireworks Store Directions to Chicago Fireworks Store from IN

Lowest Prices on Fireworks Guaranteed

Widest Selection of Fireworks Guaranteed

Closest Fireworks to Chicago

Brand Name Fireworks Only

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